Riau (Nadariau.com)-Dedi Iskamto, Chair of the Indonesian Business Economics Research Lecturer Association (ADPEBI), who is also a doctoral candidate in Management at Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin Malaysia, won the best tract paper at the International Engineering and Operation Management (IEOM) Conference in Detroit, United States.
This conference is part of The 5th North American IEOM Society Detroit Conference 2020 which is held virtually by a combination of the United States Michigan detroit colleges such as the School of Engineering, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Lawrence Technological University, Southfield, Michigan, Wayne State University, Detroit, and Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, August 10-14, 2020.
The paper presented by Dedi Iskamto entitled “Impact of Employee Satisfaction on Work Discipline in Government Office in Indonesia” is a paper co-written with Kurniati Karim, STIE Sakti Alam Kerinci, Sukono University of Padjadjaran, Indonesia, and Abdul Talib Bon, Tun Hussein Onn University. Malaysia.
The conference attended by more than 50 countries and was held for the first time online, more than seven hundred papers competing to win the best paper in their respective fields, as well as a selection of the best dissertation. Dedi Iskamto won the best tract paper for the important category of operation management, which is the most interesting part in the field presented at IEOM.
“I submitted two papers at the conference but only one paper was awarded the Best Paper award,”said Dedi.
This paper is based on research conducted on government employees in Riau Indonesia by taking the topic of the effect of job satisfaction on the performance of civil servants in Indonesia. This research is a quantitative study, the data analysis used SPSS 23. The test results found that the t-test results were greater than the t-table.
So it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between job satisfaction and work discipline can be accepted. While the R2 test was 61.6% while 38.4% was influenced by other factors not examined in this study. This means that job satisfaction has a significant influence on the work discipline of government employees.
Papers that have successfully passed the IEOM 2020 conference are planned to be published in the Proceedings indexed in Scopus and EBSCO. For Dedi himself the IEOM conference was not the first IEOM conference he had previously attended. He also attended the IEOM conference which was held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in 2019.
“Taking part in an international conference is an obligation for an academy both as a lecturer and as a graduate student, because here we can convey ideas, ideas and discoveries and build networks of fellow academics around the world,” said Dedi.
He added that to be able to follow and produce good writing there must be collaboration with other academics.
“In academia, it is important to collaborate with other writers in order to get good credit scores from editors, both for journals and for conferences,”said Dedi. (rls)